lch20100 发表于 2010-7-4 17:25:01

it won't be easy.那并不容易.
u'll think it strange.你会感到奇怪.
when i try 2 explain how i feel.当我努力说明自己的感受.
that i still need ur love.我仍然需要你的爱.
after all that i've done.在我所做的一切面前.
u won't believe me.你仍不愿相信我的话.
all u will see is a girl u once knew.你总是认定我还是那个你从前认识的女孩.
although she's dressed up 2 the nines.虽然她的打扮无可挑剔.
at sixes sevens with u.却与你格格不入.i had 2 let it happen.我无法避免其发生.
i had 2 change.我不得不去改变.
couldn't stay all my life down that hell.不能听凭自己随波逐流.
looking out of the window.(满足于)张望窗外.
staying out of the sun.远离阳光.
so i chose freedom.于是我选择了自由.
running around trying everything new.四处漫游,尝试一切新事物.
but nothing impressed me at all.但没有给我留下一丝印象.
i never expected it to.这本非我所望.
don't cry 4 me argentina !阿根廷,别为我哭泣!
the truth is i never left u.事实上我从未离开过你.
all through my wild days.在那段狂野岁月里.
my mad existence.疯狂历程中.
i kept my promise.我信守诺言.
don't keep ur distance.别将我拒之门外.and as 4 fortune,and as 4 fame.至于金钱,以及名利.
i never invited them in.我曾未奢望.
they are illusions.它们不过是幻象.
they're not the solutions.绝非解决的途径.
they promised 2 be.如它们所承诺的那样.
the answer was here all the time.答案一直在这.
i love u hope u love,希望你也爱我.

don't cry 4 me argentina !阿根廷,别为我哭泣!
don't cry 4 me argentina !阿根廷,别为我哭泣!
the truth is i never left u.事实上我从未离开过你.
all through my wild days.在那段狂野岁月里.
my mad existence.疯狂历程中.
i kept my promise.我信守诺言.
don't keep ur distance.别将我拒之门外.
have i said too much ?我是否说得太多?
there's nothing more i can think of 2 say 2 u.我想不出还能向你表白什么.
but all u have 2 do is look at me 2 know.但你所要做的只是看着我,你就会知道
that every word is true.每字每句都是真情

看到马拉多纳哭...心都碎了 别为阿根廷哭泣 看到马拉多纳哭...心都碎了 别为阿根廷哭泣

gaozhichao88 发表于 2010-7-4 21:28:18

有点伤心哦。。一直看好 阿根廷队。

lch20100 发表于 2010-7-4 22:09:33

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