Song公会建立已经有三年多的时间,公会网站正式开通是在2006年10月。现拥有注册会员21000多人,主力会员为河南玩家,进驻游戏100余款,致力于为玩家提供最优质的游戏环境,建立一个团结互助的团体,希望每位会员能够象歌者一样在天堂自由歌唱。我们公会的口号是:不仅仅是游戏,还可以是朋友。把快乐融入到我们的生活当中,共同分享成功与失败,真诚对待我们的友谊,珍惜我们这份友谊!<br/><br/>Song club was built about three years ago.The club net started its business in October 2006.And it has owned more than 21000 membres. In order to provide the environment of high quality for players and to build a united,friendly and harmonious group,the leading membres have designed more than 100 games to Henan players.We hope every member is like the real singer singing songs freely in the heaven.The slogan of our club is not only to play the game but also to make friends!Let's involve happiness in our life! Share success and failure together! Treat honestly for our friendship!And cherish our friendship!<br/><br/>公会口号:不仅仅是游戏,还可以是朋友<br/>公会会长:Song刻骨 QQ1217825<br/>公会网站:<br/>公会论坛:<br/>公会logo:<br/>公会主群:11119722 (200人高级群) <br/>新手帮助群:519928(200人高级群) <br/><br/>公会游戏群集合: 请加相关游戏群申请帐<br/>公会08年重点进驻游戏苍天OL,仙剑OL ,乱武天下,R2,光线飞车等游戏近期发放封测、内测激活码和帐号。<br/>公会提供乱武天下新手大礼包,巨人新手卡,封印内测激活码,时空之泪VIP卡,R2内测激活码,苍天内测激活码,唯舞独尊,三国传奇,龙骑士内测激活码,光明与黑暗内测激活码。<br/><br/>期待各位玩家的加入!